Our Services
Zen at your service
Standard Cleaning

Aims to transform your space into a spotless haven. With our meticulous attention to detail and eco-friendly cleaning solutions, we'll make your home or office shine like never before.
Deep Cleaning

When a standard clean just won't cut it, turn to us for a deep cleaning that leaves no corner untouched. Our highly trained team goes the extra mile to eliminate dirt, grime, and hidden allergens, ensuring your space is not only spotless but also healthier.
Laundry Services

Dedicated to providing you with the utmost convenience and quality. We handle every step of the laundry process, from washing and drying to meticulous folding and neatly putting away your clothes. Say goodbye to the never-ending pile of laundry and hello to more free time!
Cleaning Inside Pantry or Kitchen Cabinets

Specializes in providing meticulous cleaning services for the often-overlooked areas of your kitchen, including inside pantries and cabinets. We go beyond surface cleaning to ensure every nook and cranny is free from dust, dirt, and unwanted pests.
Clean Inside Oven

Committed to providing thorough cleaning services for the inside of your oven, eliminating tough grease, grime, and baked-on residues. No more getting your hands dirty cleaning that oven! Your job is to cook, leave the cleaning to Zen.
Clean Inside Refridgerator

Focuses on a thorough cleaning services for the inside of your refrigerator, ensuring it's free from spills, stains, and harmful bacteria. While we take the hassle out of fridge cleaning, you can enjoy peace of mind and fresh, delicious food.